How effective is your lead generation?

Right now, there might be hundreds or even thousands of people who are aware of your business, but until they engage with you in some way, they are not considered leads. 

This begs the question: how do you turn a prospect into a sales-ready lead?

That’s where lead-generation comes in…

What is lead generation and why is it important?

Quite simply, lead generation describes the marketing process of attracting and converting a stranger or prospect into someone who shows a clear interest in your company’s product or service.

This can be achieved by utilising various promotional channels, such as email, social media and blogs, which all work towards the same goal: capturing the interest of your prospect and moving them further down the sales funnel.

By developing an effective lead generation strategy, you are able to increase your brand awareness, build relationships, generate well qualified leads, and ultimately close deals.

The challenges of creating an effective lead generation strategy

Whilst many businesses recognise the key role that lead generation plays in boosting revenue, they also say that creating an effective lead generation strategy is one of their greatest ongoing challenges. 

And it’s no surprise.

From mapping out the steps in your buyer’s journey, to creating and assigning content to be delivered in the right format at the right time, there’s lots to think about.

To help you with this often overwhelming process, here at 10X Marketing we’ve created a 2-minute survey form which will ask you all about your current lead generation processes.

Simply complete this form and a member of our team will email you with feedback on the effectiveness of your lead generation, and give suggestions on how you can improve.