Since 10X Marketing Consultancy launched in April 2020, a lot has happened, and we’re getting busier by the day.

Our team consists of Talisa (Director), Sophie (Marketing Executive) and Alison (Marketing Executive), but we needed another pair of hands to help us through these busy months.

Our latest team member is Sasha Whittam. She is studying her level 3 digital marketing apprenticeship qualification with us. If you’ve ever wondered what a day in the life of a digital marketing apprentice looks like, or are wondering it a digital marketing apprentice is right for you, this blog is for you.

A day in the life of a digital marketing apprentice: Introducing Sasha

Sasha has always had an interest in marketing and content writing. Her interest stemmed from studying business in college, where her highest results were in Marketing.

Sasha has come to work for us from the finance industry, a change she has been wanting for many years. Although her last job was great for many things it just wasn’t the creative industry, she was wanting to have a career in.

Sasha has been with us for 7 weeks and continues to learn more every day. We asked her, what have been your favourite tasks so far?

  • Creating content and graphics for Content 360 social media platforms
  • Writing the 10X blog
  • Being involved in the idea process for a variety of clients

Although every day is different for Sasha, we asked her, what does a day in the life look like for you?

On this particular day, it was a Wednesday, and the day’s focus was on Content 360, amongst other tasks. 

What did digital marketing apprentice, Sasha, get up to this morning?


Work starts at 9:00 am, but the priority before sitting down for the team’s meeting was a cup of tea (of course!). This is then followed by a 30-minute morning meeting with the team to discuss our projects going on for the day. I then checked my emails and opened Trello to see what my tasks were for the day.

Content 360

As a new episode of Content 360 went live on this day, I created the social media caption for Instagram and LinkedIn and added the relevant hashtags. From this, I made the graphic on Canva and uploaded this to the platforms. You can check out Content 360’s Instagram by clicking here.


Next on my list were my engagement tasks for multiple clients. This involves sharing posts to stories, following and engaging with relevant accounts, and checking all social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Creating Captions

After my block of engagement was done, I then started researching caption ideas for a different client. Once I had found an idea that I thought was interesting and on topic, I opened up a word document and started writing the captions for Facebook before creating the variations for their other social media platforms. I added emojis and made the post as eye-pleasing as possible. This was then passed on to another team member to look over and add these to the social content calendar.

And what does a digital marketing apprentice do in the afternoon?

Content 360

After dinner, I popped the kettle back on before sitting down at my desk.

My first task after dinner was again for Content 360. It was time to plan the next four weeks of social media captions, which always starts with research and gathering information on what is trending and any upcoming awareness days.

Once I had a few ideas down in a word document, I then formed them into captions for LinkedIn and Instagram and added emojis to make them stand out.

Then I opened up the social planner and started a new month. The captions for all social media posts need to fit into the three E’s (Emotive, Entertaining, Educate, as well as promotional) and have variety.

Once I was happy with the captions, it’s was time to open up Canva and start on the graphics. I usually find a template that I like the look of and edit this as I see fit. I stick to the brand’s colours and the same fonts throughout to keep the brand’s identity.

These images were then downloaded and added to the excel sheet next to the correct month, so a clear view of the content ideas can be seen. This makes it easier for us to look back on previous months and check what social posts have gone live.

10x Newsletter

When this task was finished, it was time to move on to the 10X monthly newsletter. I opened up Active Campaign and looked at what was in the previous month’s newsletter and created another copy. I can work from this and add in the information for this month. We celebrated turning two in April, which was the focus of May’s newsletter.

I then created the header image in Canva and added this alongside the other images in the document. We always include a link to the latest month’s blog posts and the newest content 360 episode. This is then saved as a draft for Talisa to approve and send out when the time is right.

End of day

Before I signed off for the day, I compiled my work evidence and added this into a word document with as much information as possible. This was then uploaded to my online portfolio for my training provider as off the job training.

If you want to see a day in Sasha’s life, check out 10X Marketing’s TikTok account, where she has filmed her day. If you need help with your marketing needs, contact the team here at 10x Marketing, and we would be happy to help.

[Important update: Since publishing this blog over a year ago, Sasha successfully completed her digital marketing apprentice and is now a Marketing Account Manager! It just goes to show you that with a bit of determination and a whole lot of marketing skills, you can ace your digital marketing apprenticeship and move onto bigger and better.]